Friday, July 18, 2014

Soft Ghetto

There's been a new wave of Aesthetics this past year on tumblr. People have ditched their random blogs to focus on a particular aesthetic, and I'm still not entirely show how it happened or where along the lines I became one of these people. I used to blog disposable photos, as it made me feel nostalgic and gave me peace of mind for a long time. But one day I got bored, and started to change. Instead of grain, I chose clarity, and instead of the average joe showing his bare belly in a horizontal photo, I chose the model with great cheekbones on a white background.

Disposable Days
What have I become

I don't think my changing has been too bad. Besides the onslaught of many more guys in many more "erotic" poses, I've maintained the same amount of joy from blogging and have gained an even bigger following. Some of the things I've become accustomed to posting are more colorful, and resemble one of the counter cultures of today's youth. A revival of 90s and 00s fashion. People have ditched their regular skinny jeans for acid washed ones, their hoodies for denim jackets, and you'll find a lot of girls with jellies once more in their closets. Moreover, girls are wearing long nails in neon colors, adding extensions to their hair, and getting cornrows as if they've become R. Kelly. The aspect of this that bothers me is that people are reclaiming the fashion worn by mostly black celebrities in during these time periods (this is where the ghetto aspect comes from.) What was once called tacky and unfashionable is now just another way for the kid in the suburbs to stand out among their friends. I wouldn't have minded so much had it not been for the high numbers of people I saw claiming originality for this fashion trend. It isn't original. That's why it's a revival.
An example of soft ghetto fashion

I think the idea of it is great, but I just wish people would give credit where credit is due. Don't claim this style as your own and don't pretend this has not been done before. History repeats itself. Fashion repeats itself. I feel like one of those awful "originality is dead" people. But I don't believe orinality is dead! You can be original, but just understand that the things you create will have been inspired by something else, whether that thing was fantastic or awful.

Honestly with my cut out knee jeans and palm tree sweatshirt today, I don't think I was fooling anyone into thinking I'm original.


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