Friday, July 18, 2014

I'm Awful

Am I allowed to complain about how hard it is to find the Helvetica font anywhere? Is this because of American Apparel? Is American Apparel attempting to ruin my life?

That's besides the point. I'm awful because I keep doing this thing where I start blogging and then get caught up in the sadness of being a poor 19 year old who's confused with life and then stop posting and delete the blog. I've had about three blogs on this platform so far, and they're all gone. One must have had 50 posts max, but the others barely made it to ten and I'm utterly disappointed in myself because of my inability to keep to one project for more than two months.

I think the real problem here is that I make my posts too long. Way too long. And they were mostly angsty rants about everyone being out to get me. I should stop playing the victim and maybe things will fall into place much better. I'm not entirely sure what I want this blog to be about. It could be about music, or it could be about my narrow minded fashion taste, or it could be about how awful it is to live in El Barrio with no friends. Either way I'm excited. This should be fun.

I have a tumblr blog, where I really just post photos of objectified pale boys with probably a very bleak outlook on life. It's successful if you'd call a follower count of 8,800 over a period of three years with many months of inactivity at certain points. That's the one thing I can keep up with.

I've also been playing the Ukulele the past four months or so. I can't exactly do some great shredding on it, but I can definitely play you a simplified rendition of Kings of Leon's Use Somebody. That fingerpicking strum is the greatest I've ever heard, though, and I'm 99% sure it's the same strumming pattern for Coldplay's Clocks (you know that song that makes you feel horribly nostalgic for seemingly no reason.)

Maybe music would be a better idea for me to talk about seeing as how I'm attempting to declare myself as a music major. Here's to hoping I get approved to take the next level of music courses by the department in August!


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